
Oifn Jorid

"Oifn Jorid" - On the Market - is a life recording of Berlin based Klezmischpoche´s second klez revue. "Oifn Jorid" wants to tell us about manifold life in a "schtetl", a small jiddishe township somewhere in eastern Europe. We hear about everyday´s joy and sorrow, about a young girl´s lovesickness as well as about a young love´s delight, about an old woman´s memories of long ago youth. We see an attempt in vain of baking homentaschn, being nothing else than black afterwards, we´re sitting in the pub, singing drinking songs and complaining about the landlord´s samowar, which actually should contain some tea ... We see Rebbe dancing, we see a potter and a tailor, and suddenly we are in the middle of a group of workmen, being on strike for better working conditions and better payment.

Oifn Jorid is one of the most close and excellent description of jewish life and culture. This no party music ... just music to listen to - and think about.

Klezmischpoche´s musical home is the "Labsaal" in Berlin-Lübars. It has roughly 20-30 members, all amateurs - except for three, the "Duo Fundevogel" and Harry Timmermann, clarinet player of "Harry´s Freilach". Besides "Masl tov", Oifn Jorid is Klezmischpoche´s second klez revue.

Oifn Jorid

I omit the introduction of the musicians - as said, they are 20-30 ... ;-) . However, everybody, who wants to know more about Klezmischpoche or Labsaal, might contact Klezmischpoche´s musical director, Joachim Johow.

29-DEC-98 dmu